New upgraded EC-400XN is more high quality than outdated model EC-400X
A part
EC-400XN(new model) is full smooth stainless steel working table, easy to clean ink .
EC-400X (old model) is normal cast iron working table , difficult to clean ink.
B part
EC-400XN(new model) is aluminium profile machine body , more beautiful and safe.
EC-400X (old model) is normal cast iron machine body .
C part
EC-400XN(new model) is cast aluminium , light and durable .
EC-400X (old model) is normal cast iron + aluminium , heavy and easy to be rusty .
D part
EC-400XN(new model) is stainless steel bar with big red turn-knob, easy to adjust squeegee and ink blade.
EC-400X (old model) is short bar without turn-knob , difficult to adjust squeegee and ink blade.
E part
EC-400XN(new model) is touch screen with 7 buttons + air gauge .
EC-400X (old model) is just touch screen with 4 buttons , no air gauge .
F part
EC-400XN(new model) machine foot cups are stainless steel.
EC-400X (old model) machine foot cups are rubber .